Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value

broken image

I have created a simple table with only one column (timestamp) and it fails. Insert into backup.test (timestamp) values ('2013-03-10 02:01:03') insert into backup.test (timestamp) values ('2013-03-10 02:02:03') There might other combinations but i think you get the idea. Select strtodate('04070$','%m%d%Y') from dual; The result is: 2000-04-07. But for insert statement, I get an error: INSERT INTO `table1` ( `DatePosted`) VALUES (strtodate('04070$','%m%d%Y')) #1292 - Truncated.

Ranch Hand
posted 2 years ago
Hi guys,
more one problem for yours. I have this DAO that I want to return the code of an item, the return are ok but the problem is that when I get the code returned to write in my db, the message is data too long.
public ArrayList<Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra> lstCodUltra( String Procedimentos) { System.out.println('DAO Entrando para pegar codigo..'); System.out.println('Procedimento recebido: ' + Procedimentos); Connection conectar = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement pstmInput = null; ArrayList<Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra> bcodultra = new ArrayList<Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra>(); Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra constprcultra = new Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra(); conectar = new Conectar_Banco_W00().getConnection(); try { conectar = new Conectar_Banco_W00().getConnection(); String ListarCodUltra = 'SELECT Codigo FROM Tabela_Procedimentos_Ultrassonografia ' + ' WHERE Procedimentos = ?'; pstmInput = conectar.prepareStatement(ListarCodUltra); pstmInput.setString(1, Procedimentos); rs = pstmInput.executeQuery(); bcodultra.add(constprcultra); while ( { constprcultra.setCodigo(rs.getString('Codigo')); bcodultra.add(constprcultra); } pstmInput.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return bcodultra; }
And this is my access:
PacientesDAO_W01 pcdao = new PacientesDAO_W01(); DadosPaciente dpaciente = new DadosPaciente(); Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra bultra = new Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra(); ArrayList<Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra> lbultra = new ArrayList<Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra>(); lbultra = pcdao.lstCodUltra(procedimentos); codprocedimentos = lbultra.toString(); System.out.println('Procedimento: ' + procedimentos); System.out.println('entrando para gravar..'); dpaciente.setCPF(prontuario); dpaciente.setNome(nome); dpaciente.setData_Nascimento(nascimento); dpaciente.setEndereco(endereco); dpaciente.setComplemento(complemento); dpaciente.setBairro(bairro); dpaciente.setCEP(cep); dpaciente.setCidade(cidade); dpaciente.setTelefone_Residencial(telefone); dpaciente.setCartao_SUS(cartaosus); dpaciente.setData_Exame(dtaExames); dpaciente.setHora(hora); dpaciente.setRequisitante(requisitante); dpaciente.setSexo(sexo); dpaciente.setData_Marcacao(datamarcacao); dpaciente.setProcedimento(procedimentos); System.out.println('Codigo antes de gravar: ' + codprocedimentos); dpaciente.setCodigo_Procedimento(codprocedimentos); pcdao.cadastrarUltrassonografia(dpaciente); System.out.println('Executou pcdao para gravar..'); request.getRequestDispatcher('EXM_Ultrassonografia_W001.jsp').forward(request, response);
The line 28 is to know the code returned, this is the result of the disply:
Codigo antes de gravar: [Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}, Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}]
My problem is that I can´t access the 'Codigo'.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Cezar Apulchro.
posted 2 years ago
I think we need a bit more information.
What is the full error you are getting, and where is it occurring?
Do you know the value that is giving that error?
If the value is incorrect, what should the value be?
Saloon Keeper
posted 2 years ago
Also post the description (column names and types) of the Tabela_Procedimentos_Ultrassonografia table.
posted 2 years ago
Set column dataType to LONGTEXT should fix the issue.
Ranch Hand
posted 2 years ago
Hi Tim,
thank you for assistance.
This is my table:
CREATE TABLE Tabela_Procedimentos_Ultrassonografia( CNES VARCHAR(5), Procedimento VARCHAR(50), Codigo VARCHAR(5));
This is the content of my table:
INSERT INTO Tabela_Procedimentos_Ultrassonografia(CNES, Procedimentos, Codigo) VALUES ('12345', 'Transdutor linear', '002'), ('12345', 'Transdutor endocavitário', '003'), ('12345', 'Transdutor setorial', '004'), ('12345', 'Transdutores especiais', '005'), ('12345', 'Doppler', '006');
And the full error:
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'Codigo_Procedimentos' at row 1
The error occur in line 31(pcdao.cadastrarUltrassonografia(dpaciente);) I believe caused by line 29(dpaciente.setCodigo_Procedimento(codprocedimentos);).
The result of this dysplay:
System.out.println('Codigo antes de gravar: ' + codprocedimentos);
Codigo antes de gravar: [Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}, Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}]
CNES, Procedimentos and Codigo, are columns of my table and of my Bean. Note in this dysplay Codigo=004, the content of Codigo are ok, my problem is that I can't access this content in return of my Select.
Saloon Keeper
posted 2 years ago
It's extra challenging when not only the object, property and method names are not in English, but so are the error messages!
It appears that you have a fault in your registration method (cadastrarUltrassonografia), but unless I'm just blind today, you didn't show us what the PacientesDAO_W01 class that defines it looks like, so we have no idea what it's expecting.
The error message looks possibly like you have 2 patient records in it, and you're attempting to force them into a single database field - multiple columns AND multiple rows!
But that is only my best attempt at divination.

Some people, when well-known sources tell them that fire will burn them, don't put their hands in the fire.
Some people, being skeptical, will put their hands in the fire, get burned, and learn not to put their hands in the fire.
And some people, believing that they know better than well-known sources, will claim it's a lie, put their hands in the fire, and continue to scream it's a lie even as their hands burn down to charred stumps.

posted 2 years ago
Data too long for column 'Codigo_Procedimentos'
That is not a column of the table you posted.
It looks like this is an error (as Tim says) from another method, not the one you have already posted.
From the stack trace is would be the cadastrarUltrassonografia method.
Ranch Hand
posted 2 years ago
Hi Dave,
this is my method cadastrarUltrassonografia:
public void cadastrarUltrassonografia(DadosPaciente Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia) { String sqlInsertUltra = 'INSERT INTO Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia ' + '(CNES, Nome, Data_Nascimento, Sexo, Telefone_Residencial, Telefone_Celular,' + ' Endereco, Complemento, Bairro, CEP, Cidade, Cartao_SUS, Data_Exame,' + ' Requisitante, Hora, Data_Marcacao, Raca_Cor, Codigo_Procedimentos, ' + ' Procedimentos, Quantidade, Servico, Classificacao, CID_10, ' + ' Carater_de_Atendimento, Numero_de_Autorizacao, Numero, CPF_Prontuario) ' + 'values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'; try { PreparedStatement pstmInput; pstmInput = conectar.prepareStatement(sqlInsertUltra); pstmInput.setString( 1, ('123456')); /*pstmInput.setString( 1, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCnes());*/ pstmInput.setString( 2, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getNome()); pstmInput.setString( 3, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getData_Nascimento()); pstmInput.setString( 4, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getSexo()); pstmInput.setString( 5, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getTelefone_Residencial()); pstmInput.setString( 6, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getTelefone_Celular()); pstmInput.setString( 7, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getEndereco()); pstmInput.setString( 8, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getComplemento()); pstmInput.setString( 9, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getBairro()); pstmInput.setString(10, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCEP()); pstmInput.setString(11, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCidade()); pstmInput.setString(12, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCartao_SUS()); pstmInput.setString(13, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getData_Exame()); pstmInput.setString(14, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getRequisitante()); pstmInput.setString(15, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getHora()); pstmInput.setString(16, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getData_Marcacao()); pstmInput.setString(17, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getRaca_Cor()); pstmInput.setString(18, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCodigo_Procedimento()); pstmInput.setString(19, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getProcedimento()); pstmInput.setString(20, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getQuantidade()); pstmInput.setString(21, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getServico()); pstmInput.setString(22, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getClassificacao()); pstmInput.setString(23, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCID_10()); pstmInput.setString(24, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCarater_Atendimento()); pstmInput.setString(25, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getNum_Autorizacao()); pstmInput.setString(26, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getNumero()); pstmInput.setString(27, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCPF()); pstmInput.executeUpdate(); pstmInput.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
And this is piece of my bean:
public String getCodigo_Procedimento() { return this.Codigo_Procedimento; } public void setCodigo_Procedimento(String Codigo_Procedimento) { this.Codigo_Procedimento = Codigo_Procedimento; } public String toString() { return 'DadosPaciente{' + ', Codigo_Procedimento=' + Codigo_Procedimento + '}'; }
My bean is very long.
Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value
posted 2 years ago
pstmInput.setString(18, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCodigo_Procedimento());
Now, based on your first post, the value being used here is:
[Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}, Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra{CNES=null, Procedimentos=null, Codigo=004}]
which has come from using the codprocedimentos String in the call to setCodigo_Procedimento.
And that String comes from:
codprocedimentos = lbultra.toString();
And lbultra is a List.
So, the question is, what exactly is supposed to be supplied to setCodigo_Procedimento?
What is it you actually want to go in there?
If it is (as it sounds like) the value of Codigo from that String, then which Codigo, as there are two (which happen to be the same in this example).
Ranch Hand
posted 2 years ago
Dave I don't understand what you mean, I have an table with 3 collumns, I use only collumn 'Procedimentos' to populate a box to user choice in my jsp page. I get the user option and I want to get the code 'Codigo' of that option in my table. I have constructed another method but the problem still the same.
public Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra pegaCodUltra( String Procedimentos) throws Exception { System.out.println('DAO Entrando para pegar codigo..'); System.out.println('Procedimento recebido: ' + Procedimentos); Connection conectar = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement pstmInput = null; Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra constprcultra = new Bean_Procedimentos_Ultra(); conectar = new Conectar_Banco_W00().getConnection(); String ListarCodUltra = 'SELECT Codigo FROM Tabela_Procedimentos_Ultrassonografia ' + ' WHERE Procedimentos = ?'; pstmInput = conectar.prepareStatement(ListarCodUltra); pstmInput.setString(1, Procedimentos); rs = pstmInput.executeQuery(); if ( { constprcultra.setCodigo(rs.getString('Codigo')); System.out.println('Codigo do procedimento enviado: ' + constprcultra); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, 'Erro ao pegar o código.'); System.out.println('Que erro é esse: '); } pstmInput.close(); return constprcultra; }
This method was constructed first, but has same problem, then I cosntructed the 'lstCodUltra' method.
posted 2 years ago
I think you need to increase the size of your table column.
Saloon Keeper
posted 2 years ago
You are leaking resources. If you get a SQLException, it causes the PreparedStatement.close() method to be bypassed.
What it looks like is that instead of sending the value of the Codigo_Procedimento - which appears to be a class instance, not a simple value - to the SQL preparer you are sending the value of the Codigo_Procedimento.toString() method, which is much longer than the actual data value, since it contains additional information about the Codigo_Procedimento which appears to be not a single value, but an entire class.
SQL isn't designed to stuff multiple objects into a single column. So you have to select an alternative:
1. Put the data into multiple columns, one column per data element
2. Encode the data into a single value (for example a String or serialized Java) and store it into a column large enough to hold it.
3. Write the data into a separate and distinct table and have your primary data reference that data (via a foreign key).
What it looks like you are attempting is option 2 but without a large enough column. Aside from needing enough space to hold the data, you'd also need a corresponding decode (deserialize) operation when you read the data back. And while I mentioned Java serialization as an alternate format, I don't recommend using it, because different JVM versions do it differently so you might not be able to deserialize it later.

Some people, when well-known sources tell them that fire will burn them, don't put their hands in the fire.
Some people, being skeptical, will put their hands in the fire, get burned, and learn not to put their hands in the fire.
And some people, believing that they know better than well-known sources, will claim it's a lie, put their hands in the fire, and continue to scream it's a lie even as their hands burn down to charred stumps.

posted 2 years ago
  • 1

Cezar Apulchro wrote:Dave I don't understand what you mean..

According to your second post above you are getting the error:
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'Codigo_Procedimentos' at row 1
That highlighted name is the column causing the issue.
That column is populated by the PreparedStatement code you posted just above here.
And this is the line that does that:
pstmInput.setString(18, Tabela_Pacientes_Ultrassonografia.getCodigo_Procedimento());
So your problem is that the value supplied there (which, if we work back up the code, comes from that toString call) is incorrect.
I am trying to find out what it should be.
Ranch Hand
posted 2 years ago
Hi guys,
I solved my problem 'Data truncation: Data too long for column'.
in mysql table: codigo varchar changed to int
in bean: I changed String to int
public int getCodigo_Procedimento() { return this.Codigo_Procedimento; } public void setCodigo_Procedimento(int Codigo_Procedimento) { this.Codigo_Procedimento = Codigo_Procedimento; } }
thanks a lot everybody.

I'm trying to update a table from a Java application where a certain column may be NULL. I have tried several different approaches but I always get the following error:

com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect date value: 'null' for column 'scheidingsdatum' at row 1

I made sure that the table allowed NULL values for the scheidingsdatum field, and can insert NULL values when directly inserting in MySQL

This is the table structure in PHPMyAdmin:

The tables use innoDB

I have tried the following solutions:

1: Just use the NULL variable in a parameter

2: Hardcode NULL in the query (inside if/else block)

3: Use setNull(4, java.sql.Types.DATE)

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4: Use setNull(4, java.sql.Types.NULL)

the following is my file and connection creation:

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I just made a test and it worked for me with stmnt.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.Date);, are you sure that for stmnt.setString(3, huwelijksdatum); the value of huwelijksdatum is a valid mysql date string and not 'null' ?


Well, this is the dumbest fix ever.

The code was originally made by someone else, and I only expanded on it a bit. They first created a string scheidingsDatum = 'null';, which would then be overwritten by an actual date if there was one.

I assumed (I know, it's never smart to assume) that it would be null (Notice the lack of quotation marks?) when it didn't have a value.

So, in my check, the string wasn't null (since it was 'null') and so the first part was executed. Which made it try to insert a string 'null', which is obviously an incorrect date.

Simply modifying the string to be null instead of 'null' upon instantiation fixed the issue.

Sql Error Data Truncation


You could try TIMESTAMP instead of DATE in your prepared statement.


Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value Java

If scheidingsdatum is a nullable field, then simply remove it from your UPDATE statement when its value is null. In other words, when scheidingsdatum is null, change the statement to:

Data Truncation Incorrect Date Value

Tags: date, mysql, sql

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